Hume Pistol Club Inc. Range Standing Orders
These Range Standing Orders are written to ensure all Club members, spectators, visitors, contractors and others are aware of the rules that apply to these ranges.
Your FIRST activity when entering the Club grounds Proceed directly to the Clubroom and sign the Register, as Member or Visitor. Visitors must be signed in by the counter signature of a full Club member.
The Club Captain is in charge of all ranges in the H.P.C. complex In the absence of the Club Captain and Vice Club Captain, a senior member of the Committee is responsible for ensuring the observance of all the provisions of these Range Standing Orders and the safe conduct of all shooting activities of the Club.
The Club Captain, Vice Club Captain and in their absence a senior member of the Committee has the power to appoint Range Officers to supervise individual ranges. While shooting is in progress on Ranges the Range Officer has control of that Range. Only when fire has ceased, and pistols are cleared can a person intervene in activity on a range except when a safety issue has been noticed that has escaped the notice of the Range Officer.
These Range Standing Orders (RSO’s) are to be communicated to all Club members and all other user groups. A copy must be displayed in the Clubroom and a copy on each range.
The Hume Pistol Club Inc. (the Club) is a multi-discipline handgun shooting club. These orders apply to everybody who enters the property administered by the Club.
The Club is responsible for the control and maintenance of the grounds and facilities.
Everybody entering these grounds must understand the importance of and abide by these RSO’s.
The complex has seven (7) outdoor ranges, and an indoor Air Pistol Air Rifle range.
All outdoor ranges have a solid soil grassed base and can be used all year round.
All outdoor ranges are “Limited Danger Area” ranges, and a high standard of discipline is required to ensure no errant, high, or ricocheting shots have the potential to leave the ranges. Evidence of projectiles exiting the range may result in the closure of all ranges.
- Fully automatic firearms.
- All centrefire long arms.
- Firearms that have been altered or modified such that they are illegal or unsafe, or firearms that are not registered.
- Engaging steel targets closer than the minimum distance of 6.4m.
- Handling any firearm while any person is forward of any firing line or firing point.
- Consumption of alcohol until all shooting has ceased for the day (Alcohol is only allowed with prior permission of the Committee of Management).
- Smoking is prohibited in the Clubhouse, Air Pistol Range, on all Ranges whilst matches are in progress and areas where food is being prepared and served.
- Unsecured firearms being left unattended at any time.
- Loaded firearms other than on the ranges.
- Shooting of fauna (wildlife) on club property.
- No handling of Ammunition or anything resembling ammunition in any Safe Handling Area.
- Unaccompanied children. Unsupervised children.
- Deliberately targeting range infrastructure or equipment.
- Shooting alone at any time. You must have another fully Licensed Member with you and supervising all activities involving the use of firearms on that Range.
- The handling of firearms in the Clubroom is only allowed under certain circumstances.
Code of Conduct
The requirements of the Hume Pistol Club Inc. “Code of Conduct” apply to all persons on the range complex and form part of these Range Standing Orders.
Range Officers on Duty
The Range Officer on duty on any Range does not participate in shooting activity unless they are under rotation instruction
Red range flags MUST be hoisted on the main gate flagpole, and on the flag pole outside range 4, also exposed at all entry points to any live fire outdoor range, and on the Range 5 stop butt prior to commencement of any live firing on any range. At the conclusion of shooting all the flags are to be put out of sight.
Range Officer to check
The RO on duty before any live firing on any range must inspect the area behind Ranges 2 to 5 stop butts to ensure no person or livestock has wandered in and remains undiscovered.
Shooting Alone
Any Range shall be under the direct control of a Range Officer, or a fully licensed member acting as a Range Officer. Shooting alone on any range without another fully Licensed member supervising all activities involving the use of firearms on that Range is strictly prohibited.
Subject to any amendments notified by the Firearms Registry, only the following “Approved Firearms” may be used on the outdoor ranges: Air Pistol or Rifle of calibres .177”.22”, Rimfire Pistol or Rifle of calibre .22”, Centre Fire Pistol up to calibre .45”, and Black Powder Muzzle Loading Pistol. All projectiles that impact the ground and have the potential to ricochet must be captured by sandbags or stop butts or other projectile trapping devises. Evidence of projectiles exiting the ranges may result in the closure of the ranges by withdrawal of police approval.
Shooter Inability to Limit Errant Shots
If for any reason any projectiles fall outside the degrees of the discipline plus the human error factor of 3 degrees to the stop butt or are high with the potential to leave the range the Range Officer is to:
- Halt all firing
- Identify the shooter responsible, or the target placement at fault.
- If a target placement fault, reposition the target and allow the match to continue.
- If a shooter is at fault, observe this shooters next shot and if not errant allow the shooter to continue firing.
- If the next shot is errant the shooter is to be stood down and provided with coaching to achieve a spread of 5 shots within the line of degrees of the discipline ± 3° to the Hume Pistol Club Inc Range Standing Orders May 2015 Page 3 of 6 stop butt and all caught by the stop butt.
- Shooters who are unable to limit errant shots for all of those five shots are to be prevented from further shooting and may only resume shooting following the completion of a re-training program with the firearm.
Range 1
200 metre outdoor Metallic Silhouette range. Silhouette targets must be placed at the match specified distances from the Firing Line with the direction of all shots at the degrees of the discipline ± 3° to the stop butt. Each shooter must only engage one bank of 5 Silhouette targets at each distance due to restrictions to the allowable angles that may be utilised on this range. Each shooter must take a Firing Point at 90° to their target bank. Cal .22 only to be used on the small Rimfire silhouette targets. On this range all projectiles must be captured by sandbags or stop butts. No shots are to be directed at the right (southern) perimeter wall, any part of the left (northern) boundary berm
Range 2
25 Metre outdoor Action Match Falling Plate range. The Firing Lines for this discipline are 10 yards, 15 yards, 20 yards and 25 yards distance from the plates as marked on the southern wall. Each shooter must only engage one bank of 6 Falling Plates at each distance due to restrictions to the allowable angles that may be utilised on this range. Each shooter must take a Firing Point at 90° to their target bank centre. The direction of all shots are to be at the stop butt. All shots must strike below the top of the main stop butt. No shots are to be directed at either of the perimeter walls on this range. Other Matches / Disciplines may be shot on this range with the approval of the Committee.
Range 3
25 Metre outdoor ISSF range. Targets may only be placed in the 25 metre target frames. All shots must be taken from a defined Firing Line. The direction of all shots are to be at the degrees of the discipline ± 30 for human error at the stop butt. All shots must impact the stop butts. This range is also authorised to host rapid fire match. No shots are to be directed towards either of the perimeter walls, the compressor shed wall, or any exposed range mechanism or equipment. Other Matches / Disciplines may also be shot on this range with the approval of the Committee.
Range 4
25 Metre outdoor ISSF range. Targets may only be placed in the 25 metre target frames. All shots must be taken from a defined Firing Line. The direction of all shots is to be at the degrees of the discipline ± 30 for human error to the stop butt. All shots must impact the stop butts. No shots are to be directed towards either of the perimeter walls, the compressor shed wall, or any exposed range mechanism or equipment. This range is also authorised to host rapid fire match, Other Matches / Disciplines may also be shot on this range with the approval of the Committee.
Range 5
25 Metre outdoor ISSF range. Targets may only be placed in the 25 metre target frames. All shots must be taken from a defined Firing Line. The direction of all shots is to be at the degrees of the discipline ± 30 for human error to the stop butt. All shots must impact the stop butts. No shots are to be directed towards either of the perimeter walls or any exposed range mechanism or equipment. This range is also authorised to host rapid fire match, Other Matches / Disciplines may also be shot on this range with the approval of the Committee.
Range 6
50 metre outdoor multi-Purpose range. This range may be used for IPSC, the 35-yard Barricade and the 50 yard Practical section of the Action Match, and ISSF 50 metre events. When this range is hosting the ISSF 50 metre Pistol (Free Pistol) event targets must be placed in the 50 metre target frames, all shots must be taken from the Firing Line and the direction of all shots is to be at the stop butt.
Targets may be placed at other locations and at other distances forward of the Firing Line benches when the range is hosting events of other disciplines. All shots must be taken from the Firing Points defined by the Club Captain. All projectiles that impact the ground must be captured by sandbags or the main (eastern) stop butt. No projectiles are to purposely strike either of the perimeter walls, or any range infrastructure. All shots are to be at the stop butt. Other Matches / Disciplines may be shot on this range with the approval of the Committee.
Range 7
50 metre outdoor multi-Purpose range. This range is predominately used for IPSC, and ISSF 50 metre events. When this range is hosting the ISSF 50 metre Pistol (Free Pistol) event targets must be placed in the 50 metre target frames, all shots must be taken from the Firing Line and the direction of all shots is to be at the stop butt. Targets may be placed at other locations and at other distances forward of the Firing Line when the range is hosting events of other disciplines. All projectiles that impact the ground must be captured by sandbags or other projectile trapping devices or the main (eastern) stop butt.
No projectiles are to purposely strike the left (northern) perimeter wall. All shots are to be at the stop butt. No shots are to be directed higher than the top of the stop butt, or any part of the right (southern) boundary berm on this range. During IPSC match a Range Officer supervises the shooter. Other Matches / Disciplines may be shot on this range with the approval of the Committee.
Range 8
10 metre indoor Air Pistol and Air Rifle range. .177 and .22 calibre compressed air or compressed inert gas, or break pistols or rifles are permitted on this range.
Priority of Use:
The following is the order of priority for the use of the Club ranges and facilities. No individual may use the range unless they are members of:
- Hume Pistol Club Inc.
- Members of the NSW Police Force on official training or instruction
- Other users as approved by the Club Committee of Management.
Ranges are not to be allocated for use by non-members or non-affiliated organizations without the authority of the Committee of Management.
Application of Range Standing Orders
All users of the Club ranges are subject to these RSO’s. There are no exceptions. User organizations permitted use of these facilities will have the approval to use the ranges withdrawn if they do not adhere to these RSO’s. It is the Responsibility of the Executives of the User Organization to ensure that their users are familiar with these RSO’s.
Steel Plate Targets
Only steel targets approved by the Committee are to be used on any range.
New Target Systems
New target systems which may come into use from time to time must be approved by the FAR and the Committee.
Accident Procedures
Following an accident or injury the following procedure is to be followed:
- Cease Firing.
- If a minor injury render help or first aid.
- If the injury requires medical treatment render help or first aid and evacuate.
- If a life-threatening injury or death occurs resulting from firearm use, safeguard the firearm and make no attempt to touch, move, remove or strip the firearm. Seal off and preserve the area exactly as found and advise Police immediately.
- Advise a member of the Committee, and the captain.
- The Secretary will send an incident report to NSWAPA and the FAR if required.
Safety Rules
The following safety rules are to be emphasized and apply to everybody using firearms:
- The direction of shots on all ranges must ensure that all projectiles terminate within the bullet traps and mounds on Club grounds. All shots are to be at the discipline degrees ± 3 degrees human error to the stop butts.
- All spectators on any of these ranges must always remain behind the firing line unless and until the Range Officer invites them onto the range.
- Everybody must wear eye and ear protection on any range when shooting is in progress with the exception of the Air Pistol Range where hearing protection is optional.
- Shooters, and Range Officials must wear closed footwear.
- Everybody must obey any instruction given by the Range Officer on any range where a Range Officer is officiating.
- Loaded firearms must be always under the control of the shooter or Range Officer.
- Members using holsters must be authorized or under instruction of a Range Officer for the purpose of training.
- Firearms may only be handled when on the firing line or under the direct control of a Range Officer or in a specified and approved safe handling area.
- Otherwise, firearms off the ranges must remain bagged or cased or holstered in accordance with the Rules of the Association.
- Where a safe handling area has been declared firearms may be un-bagged or un-cased and holstered, cleaned repaired or tested by cycling or dry firing only in this area.
- Safe Handling Area: the handling of Ammunition or anything resembling ammunition is NOT PERMITTED in these areas.
- All breaches of safety rules must be reported immediately to the Club Captain, Any Failure to report a breach will render the person failing to report, liable to a penalty imposed by the Committee.
A First Aid cabinet is in the Clubroom.
Fire Precautions
Do not light any unauthorised fires on the Club grounds. Do not allow any unplanned or unauthorised fire to remain alight.
Range Clearance
All users are to ensure that all range rubbish, including used targets, is removed from the range and stored in the appropriate place. No rubbish is to be left on the range.
Unauthorised Use of the Range Complex
Any individual or organisation given use of the Range Complex will have been provided with written authority from the Club Committee of Management.
Any individual or organisation unable to provide this approval as proof of authority must be asked to leave the property immediately.
Any refusal to leave should be reported to the Police immediately.
Signs and Notices
All signs and notices displayed on the property by the Hume Pistol Club Inc. Committee of Management are to be adhered to always by all persons. The Club Captain is the only person with authority to remove “Range Closed” signs. In the absence of the Club Captain and Vice Club Captain a senior Committee Member has the authority to remove Range Closure Signs.
Guests and Spectators
Guests are and remain the responsibility of the inviting HPC member and must remain under that member’s control always. Spectators are the responsibility of the RO, who may appoint another HPC member to assist in their supervision.
(Police Fire Ambulance call 000)
02 6023 9299
539-543 Olive Street Albury
000 for response
329-333 Wagga Road Lavington
02 6021 3174
821 Mate Street North Albury
02 6021 0188
After hours clinic Albury Base Hospital
02 6058 4444
Albury Base Hospital 201-239 Borella Rd
When you call an emergency service give them your phone number, stay on the line,
position somebody at 424 Urana Road, wait for all called services to arrive.
The Range complex is located at Australian Map Grid (WGS84) -36.021483, +146.908857 700 424 Urana Road, Lavington NSW 2641.
Executive Committee Contacts in Emergency:
Club President: 0438 402 778
Club Secretary: 0402 845 561
Club Treasurer: 0417 445 008